What is my legacy? (遺愛) 看「六樓後座」2 可能找到答案!
200?年?月?日 最緊要開心嫲!!!! 2008/11/24
The GOD never did earthquake!
We did!
Somebody dedicated their lives for ours!
Zico Hong
2008/5/20 (eight days after the earthquake)
酒不醉人人自醉, 花不迷人人自迷! 2008/10/5
I desire that I must be happy! So I become happier and happier!
Doctor Cheung is a gift!2008/11/21
Join the committee of Amity Mutual Support Society several months! See lots of strange things! 借力打力、勾心鬥角、奸奸絞絞、大話連篇、你愚我詐、古古惑惑! 有點兒迷惘然不知如何面對!!!